Welcome to St. Clare Parish

A Catholic Community guided by the Holy Spirit

to proclaim Christ’s love in worship, service and life-long learning

Mass Schedule

Livestream Mass

Weekly Bulletins

Online Giving

Parish Mission Statement

At St. Clare Parish, we are called to celebrate life-giving liturgies, provide a center for Christian formation, reflect Christ through warm acceptance of all our brothers and sisters; and to serve all, especially those most vulnerable. 
About Our Faith

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm    Sunday Morning: 8:30am and 10:45am
​Daily Mass: 8:30am on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
No Daily Mass on Tuesday

Holy Days of Obligation: 8:30am, 12:00pm and 7:00pm
Saturday: 4-4:30pm in the church or by appointment with Fr. Don Gutmann, 503.244.1037, x101
Eucharist Adoration:
Monthly on the 1st Saturday: 2:00pm-4:00pm with Benediction at 3:45pm

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Thursday;  8:30am - 12:30pm and 2-5pm;  Closed on Friday

 Quick Links

“We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become. If we love things, we become a thing. If we love nothing, we become nothing. Imitation is not a literal mimicking of Christ, rather it means becoming the image of the beloved, an image disclosed through transformation. This means we are to become vessels of God's compassionate love for others.” 
St. Clare of Assisi

 Umbrian Valley below the town of Assisi, Italy

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