September 2024
We are very excited to have Altar Servers join Fr. Don again during our daily and weekend Liturgies this year.
Altar serving is also a wonderful way for our children to advance in spiritual life centered on the Eucharist and to grow in vocational awareness. Servers participate in the Sacred Liturgy with their own work, which contributes to the overall Work of the Faithful and the Prayer of the Church; thus, their service helps build up the Body of Christ. In this way, altar serving is a special ministry that requires commitment, reliability, and a certain amount of dedicated time in order to be worthily carried out.
Altar Servers assist the clergy in celebrating the Sacred Liturgy especially during the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. The various tasks of Altar Servers include leading liturgical processions, assisting with the Missal and the Book of Prayers, helping set the altar and attending to sacred vessels after Communion. Altar Servers also help with the candles, incense, and processional cross.
At St. Clare, children in the grades 4-8 can train to be Altar Servers. The trainings for both new and returning servers are scheduled on Wednesdays from 3:15-4:15pm in the church starting Sept. 25 and each Wednesday following until everyone is trained. Only three students at a time can be trained and each one will be assigned a date for their training. Please return the Altar Server Registration Form to either the parish office or the school office or email to me directly. Once all the registration forms have been received, a schedule for training will be created. If you have a date preference, be sure to place it on the form.
Once all training is completed, the servers’ names will be added to a rotating schedule provided through our Ministry Scheduler App. If you have any questions, please can contact Kim Zea at the parish office, 503-244-1037, x104 or
With gratitude and blessings,
Kim Zea
Pastoral Associate