The ritual prayer of the Church provides many venues for expression in the yearly liturgical cycle. This commission assists the parish in planning, executing and evaluating the liturgical practices found in the Church documents most notably in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. This commission oversees the following ministries:
Assists the celebrant in preparing for the Mass by readying the church, the altar and the liturgical ministers..
Helps to distribute the Most Holy Eucharist at the Mass and also takes Holy Communion to the sick in their places of residence.
Proclaims the Sacred Scripture and reads the Prayer of the Faithful at one of the weekend Masses.
Assists the celebrant with chant and lyrical music especially during the Mass. Four choirs assist at St. Clare Masses:
Joyful Noise (8:30am), St. Clare Choir (10:45am), Youth Choir and Children's Choir.
Welcomes participants to the sacred liturgies and collects the Offertory donations.
Assists the celebrant as cross bearer, candle bearer and thurifer, providing assistance at the altar especially during the Preparation of Gifts and the Communion Rite.
Processes to the altar with the gifts of bread and wine, the Book of Intentions or the collection at the Offertory.
Assists with sound levels during liturgical services.
Oversees the development of environmental art to visually augment the celebrations of the liturgical seasons.
When children are invited forward by the celebrant at the conclusion of the Introductory Rites of the Mass, the faciliator simultaneously celebrates the Liturgy of the Word with the children in the parish hall.