Community Life celebrates the lives of all parishioners of St. Clare Parish. Sometimes we gather annually to engage in a sit down supper. Sometimes we gather weekly to share the challenges of the coming week over coffee and doughnuts. Sometimes we gather to comfort the sorrowing at a funeral reception. Whatever brings us together as a community of life and love, we ask this commission to coordinate. As a result, the Community Life commission oversees the following events:
Served after each Sunday Mass in the parish hall and provides an opportunity to visit with old friends and meet newcomers. Volunteer hosts and servers are needed. Training provided.
Every 3rd Saturday, 5pm Mass attendees are invited to come, visit with friends and enjoy a light snack
and beverage. Plan to join us for a Saturday evening version of Sunday morning Coffee & Donuts.
Women of the parish gather on the 1st Saturday of the month from 9-10:30am downstairs at the parish office for a presentation on a topic of interest, discussion, prayer, faith-sharing and fellowship. Program planners and hospitality volunteers are needed. For more information, please visit the Sisters in the Spirit website.
Moms with infant through pre-kindergarteners meet once a month on Thursday evenings; moms with school age children meet once a month on Tuesday evenings. Gatherings include prayer, socialization, and service project planning.
In mid-July, 200+ campers from St. Clare descend on the Oregon Coast for 5 days of outdoor fun. The 2025 Campout will take place July 16-20. Registration opens late January/early February.
Join us as we celebrate ONE Mass together by combining our 8:30am and 10:45am Masses on the Sunday after Labor Day followed by a parish-wide family picnic on the school playground. Volunteers for set-up, preparing and serving food, leading games, and clean-up are always welcome. The 2024 St. Clare Picnic will be held on Sunday, Sept. 8.
Served on Tuesday evenings in Lent so parishioners can share a simple meal of soup and bread. Hosts and soup chefs are needed.
Cook and deliver meals for parish families welcoming a new baby. This is a great way to serve a parish family during the unique time of adjusting to life with an infant.
Provides an opportunity after the funeral service for family and friends to gather for support and sharing. Hosted by St. Clare parishioners who serve lunch or coffee and dessert depending on time of service. Volunteer bakers prepare and donate desserts. Set-up, serving and clean-up helpers are also needed to work 1-4 hour shifts on the day of the reception.
Follows the Sacrament of 1st Eucharist and Confirmation so students and their families may enjoy a simple celebration of cake and punch with the larger parish community. Coordinators and servers are needed.
Parish students in grades 1-8 participate in a variety of sports such as swimming, volleyball and basketball. Parents serve as coaches. For more information, please visit the CYO website.