On the second Saturday of the month at the 5pm Mass, the Youth Choir will lead the music and serve in the liturgical roles. All teens who play instruments or enjoy singing are welcome to join. If interested, please contact our Youth Faith Formation Coordinator, Debbie Henkelman at debbie@saintclarechurch.org. Rehearsal is held from 4 - 4:45pm prior to the Mass.
The 2024-2025 Mass dates are: Oct. 12, Nov. 9, and Dec. 14, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, Mar. 8, Apr. 12, May 10 and June 7.
If you have received Confirmation and would like to serve as a Reader or Eucharistic Minister at the Youth Mass, please contact Kim Zea, Pastoral Associate, kim@saintclarechurch.org.